GLED Partners provides legal assistance to its clients in creating intellectual and industrial property assets according to their business conditions and capitalizing on these assets and protecting their rights.

GLED Partners assists its clients on concluding license agreements with respect to their intellectual and industrial rights. Furthermore our office carries out researches on existing intellectual and industrial rights and evaluates any potential breach objection or other legal controversy that may be raised in Turkey against any right certified or recognized abroad.

GLED Partners has a team of brand representatives to support us in rendering legal counseling in relation with litigations and consultancy services carried out by us today or in the past regarding pursuing and concluding nullity suits at civil courts for intellectual and industrial property rights and supreme court, pursing infringement suits at Turkish courts and criminal suits at criminal courts for intellectual and industrial property rights and supreme court, prosecution of processes regarding breach of trademarks on the Internet and providing consultancy services about sale of music and video contents on Internet and other medium.